Saturday, September 20, 2008

Abdominal Flab

  1. Proper posture can do wonders for the way your stomach looks. Stand up straight, put your shoulders back, and tuck in your abdomen and buttocks.

  2. Breathe correctly: deeply from the diaphragm.

  3. Pull in your abdominal muscles and hold for several seconds. Make the exercise part of your routine; do it while your brushing your teeth or sitting at your desk, whenever you are stuck in a traffic or waiting for a bus or train.

  4. If you don't have a bicycle try this bicycle exercise. Lie on your back, arms stretched out for support and both knees drawn up to the chest.Extend one leg straight out; as you draw it back, extend the other. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

  5. Do a set of bent-leg curl-up. Lie on your back and slowly curl your head and shoulders upwar, sliding your hands up to your thighs toward your knees. When you've gone as far as is comfortable. inhale, then slowly curl down to resting position, keeping head raised. Repeat 10 times.

  6. While doing any exercise, contract your abdominal muscles to keep yourself in alignment.During an abdomen-toning supine exercise, keep the small on your back on the floor; otherwise your hip flexors will take on the abdomen's work.

  7. For a bit more fun while exercising take belly dancing lessons.