Foil thieves by turning book into a small safe and lining it up with the other books on your shelf.
Choose a hardcover book at least 1 1/2 inches thick. Glue all but the first few pages together with a mixture of 3 parts white glue and 1 part water. Insert a sheet of wax paper between the first glued page and the loose ones; insert another between the last page and the back cover. Close the book, weight it down with several heavy volumes or concrete blocks (don't skimp on the weight or the pages may wrinkle), let the glue dried up overnight.
When the glue is dry, scribe the section to be cut; leave at least a 1 inch margin at the edges. Drill starter holes in the corners and use a coping saw to remove section. Glue the back cover in place and weight the book down again. For finishing touch, line the cutout with satin felt and secure a magnet on each of the front opening.